Botany Specification

Species: Clone selected a progeny of Prunus cerasifera

Country of origin: USA

Growth habit: Upright

Vigor: Vigorous rootstock (less than Myrobalan seedling)

Other Items: One year old shoots are red brown

Crop Specification

Propagation: Micro propagation, hardwood cuttings

Species for which it can be used: plum and Apricot

Anchorage: Support needed

Stress tolerant

Soil: Adaptable to calcareous soils and dry soils

Water Logging:  Moderately Resistant

Salinity: Resistant

Frost: Resistant

Root knot Nematode: Resistant

Collar rot (Phytophthora): Resistant

Root rot (Armillaria): Resistant

Other Items:

Crown gall (Agrobacterium): Moderately Resistant

Bactwrial Canker (Pseudomonas): Susceptible